Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Saturday 20 October 2012

Casa Nuestra Senora Del Transito


Casa Nuestra Senora Del Transito,
Franklin Villanueva y Maza,
(5517) Lunlunta – Maipú.
Massive clattering on the roof, and what sounded like the rattling of a can, waking me c. 05.55. No hope of another 15 minutes slumbering so rose. Then the noise stopped.


09.11 Morning Sitting with the Thirty-Minute Sitters.

Breakfast at 08.00.
Excellent performance of Eleanor Rigby by the Rosario Guitar Ensemble  aka The Kabusacki All Stars Without Kabusacki. (Much better commented Hernan at the head table).

Comments, reports and observations invited on our work yesterday evening. This led to a few comments on the qualities of improvising, relating to the qualities of attention.

Mr. Marty & The Buddies are meeting with the Intro Team at 10.30 to address the Basics of guitar playing.

We are into the Middle.

More clattering downpour.


10.33    Five personal meetings beginning at 09.15. Mature concerns and difficulties, and success stories.

New GC Wonder Pick from Mr. Iketani…


… and top string for NST 1.2…


12.34    Following their 10.30 meeting, Mr. Marty and The Buddies spilt into three groups with different Buddies, addressing different skill levels.

T’ai Chi at 12.30.

I have taken the opportunity to address The Writing Project. On a course, the particular quality of “air” that a course makes available enables the writing to speak to / through me.

14.26    Lunch at 13.00.

Silence visited, with greater power than ha been usual on this course.
Comments invited and a few were offered, although not readily.

The Basics presented this morning seem to have resonance and to be what is required at this point in the course.

Alexander with Violeta at 15.00.
Kitchen Team with the Mighty Bull also at 15.00.
Various personal meetings also posted, including my own.

Zum were encouraged to leave at 16.30 for their performance in Mendoza this evening.


15.57    The Writing Project: editing the Guitar Craft Aphorisms. This is a very hard task to do if using the rational mind.


Onto developing the Secondary Exercises, as demanded of me by the Mighty Bull.


18.49    Tea at 16.00. Discussion at the table with Director Nunez of possible future arisings.


Mr. Marty & The Buddies in action at 16.30.

Three personal meetings, followed by three personal meetings.
More editing, more Secondaries.

22.55    Dinner at 19.00.

Silence visited and, for the first time on this course, I felt it landed and was accepted.
Our work for this evening discussed:

House of Guitars is a favoured option.
Could the Intro Team work on their own now? I felt a little more application is needed.
I would like to meet both the Kitchen/Ork and the Intro Teams.
How to accommodate all these suggestions? With dessert not yet even served?

Dessert was delayed, to permit the evening’s work.
A story told of teaching at Eddie Moors’ Music Shop, and encouraging a young guitarist to become a drummer.

Meeting with the Kitchen Team at 20.30 to introduce an exercise for the Morning Sitting, for those with an established sitting practice. Those to whom this did not apply left, without blame or shame: before running, we stand.  The exercise has application in other situations, such as work in the kitchen and public performance. This exercise can contribute force (ie a quality and intensity of energy) to our work, and perhaps even add an hour to our day.

Meeting with the Intro Team at 21.15. Beginning division of attention, moving to a first meeting with THRAK.

House of Guitars at 22.00 with a listening and care that is novel on this course so far. Loud-endless-strumming = death began, but was quickly seen off. Mellow-witterings were also moved on their mellow-wittering way. Good sounds, ideas, whizzing and buzz whizzing. A considerable movement forward; and this in the second day.

Hernan has just put his head around the door: dessert is served.

